Finger Printing Nurses



The BRN requires fingerprints to be recorded. Do not assume one set of fingerprints will be communicated from one office to another. You might be required to obtain multiple sets of prints for different purposes through the process, eg. application for RN license and Probation requirements. If you have been finger printed for something else such as school, work, previously for the BRN, you must be finger printed again. Fees can range from $80-$120.  As part of our National Security Program it has now been determined by the BRN that all fingerprints for the  purpose of license renewal must first be cleared by the FBI.  The FBI can potentially take up to 3 months to clear fingerprints, especially if there has been any past criminal activity.   The argument is that this delay will interrupt a nurse’s ability to work.   Please see webcast uploaded by the Board of Consumer Affairs to youtube of the Ca. BRN meeting Jan 10, 2017.



Live Scan fingerprints are scanned electronically which expedites things and makes reading by the FBI database easier. Prints can be obtained through services such as Mail Box companies.